Monday, May 10, 2010

I'm Glad You Were Born... Giveaway

It was pure bliss and happiness from the moment we found out we were having you, and has only gotten better every day since. Colson, our sweet, happy, cheerful, easy-going, 14-month old son, you are the best thing that has ever happened to Daddy and I and we are SO GRATEFUL and THANKFUL for you. We are so glad you were born and we're so glad you are here with us. Every time I look at your beautiful face, look into those deep blue eyes, or even just think about you, my heart feels like it will explode. I never imagined I could love someone so much, but I do, and that someone is you. You are my world and I promise to always love and support you and to always remember how happy I am that you were born!

Head over to Cotton Babies' Blog, Cloth Diapers and enter the great giveaway to win $100 certificate to Cotton Babies. What an amazing giveaway. The giveaway is themed around, "I'm glad you were born!" So, make sure you cloth diapering mommas check out this giveaway!  Above is my entry about our amazing son.  I love Cotton Babies, they have great prices and FREE shipping all the time!  Check it out and Good Luck!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh those little fingers are so CUTE! I'm following from Tues. Tag A-Long!
