Monday, May 24, 2010

My Dreamy Mondays

First, a big THANKS to MamaB for the Wahmies Pocket Diaper Giveaway... I am thrilled that I won!

Onto my dream... which is to be a cloth-diapering stay-at-home mommy... and maybe it will finally happen!  I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason and that there are some things that shouldn't be forced... examples...

When I was pregnant and had my first ultrasound, the technician saw that I had placenta previa, which basically meant I would have to have a c-section.  I hated this idea... not because I was completely against having a c-section in order to make sure my baby would be healthy... but because I didn't want to pick my baby's birthday.  I wanted my baby to be born when he was ready, not when the doctor's and our schedule fit best.  Lucky for all of us, the placenta previa went away and we had a healthy, natural, medication free birth :)

I was worried about who would watch our Little C when I went back to work.  Even though we had looked into daycare centers, I just hated the idea of leaving my little baby in one (no offense to those of you that use a day care center) and then my parents became unemployed and were able to watch our little guy for a few months and then once my parents found jobs the neighbor across the street offered, which worked out great.  I felt so comfortable having him with people that I love and trust.

Now my husband has been unemployed since December and it is frustrating to apply for jobs and always hear "you were second choice"... but at the same time - it was GREAT that he could be home with our son.  They bonded and they learned from each other and they developed their own little tricks and traditions - this is a time that you can never get back - so I am thrilled my husband had it.  When he lost his job, we started talking about relocating.  We could move and downsize and then maybe I could stay home with our children.  And, if I can stay home... then I WANT TO CLOTH DIAPER!  So, 2 weeks ago I win 2 cloth diapers, back to back, and then yesterday I win another one.  A sign??? I think so!  Seriously, out of 302, 365 and 936 entries... I happen to win 3 different cloth diapers.  What are the odds?!?!  Okay, maybe not totally impossible, but still... WOW!  So, then on Friday my husband gets a job offer.  It is local, so there won't be any relocating, but if we watch our money a little more closely than we currently do, then I think we can manage me staying home.  Anyway, I think it's a sign.  I think it was meant to be... me at home with my baby and his cloth diapers :)

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