Friday, April 30, 2010

Review of Lansinoh Double Electric Breast Pump

I always knew I wanted to breastfeed, it just seemed so natural and so best for baby… not to mention very inexpensive! So, since I knew I would need a breast pump for when I went back to work… I really didn’t want to spend a fortune. Sure, Medela was “the pump” to get, but they are SOO expensive. I read 5 million reviews and I decided on the less expensive Lansinoh Double Electric Breast Pump and am so happy I did.

It only cost me about $150, which was enough that I was confident it wouldn’t be junk but not too much that I thought it too expensive. In fact, when I was talking to the lactation consultant and the hospital where I work, she informed me that that is basically the same as the hospital grade pumps they use. Same brand and same pumps. The only difference was probably just that the hospital grade pumps were made for more heavy duty use by many, many people. Okay, so the hospital pumps are technically by Ameda – but they really are manufactured by the same company, one just has the Lansinoh name and the other has the Ameda name.

What I love about the Lansinoh Double Electric Pump is that
- It’s pretty quiet. I was able to sit in my cubicle with just a blanket over the pump and no one around me could hear it.
- It’s small enough that I was able to keep it in an extra small diaper bag from the hospital and easily transport it anywhere I needed to.
- It has cool little filter-type things that keep the milk from getting into the tubing or any other part… which means it is very sanitary, it could be used by more than one person and there are fewer parts to clean.
- It lasted a long time, in fact when I packed it up it was still in great working condition. I used it at least 5 days a week and at least twice a day for 9 months.
- Lastly, but most importantly - It works GREAT! There are 2 dials so you can set suction and speed. I never had to go very high in the suction because it is powerful… I doubt I even ever made it to the half way point. I did start off always with the fastest speed setting though, and once I got a letdown, I would slow the speed. It worked really well!

The cons: Absolutely nothing – I love this pump.

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